Tuesday 7 June 2011

Team Anna to hold protest at Rajghat tomorrow

Hours after the Delhi Police denied permission to Gandhian Anna Hazare to hold his one-day fast at Jantar Mantar on Wednesday, the civil society activists appeared to be firm on their demand, saying they will now hold the fast at Rajghat to protest against the government action on yoga guru Baba Ramdev.

Asserting that they will go ahead with a "very peaceful" protest, RTI crusader Arvind Kejriwal, a key figure in Hazare''s campaign against corruption, said: "No one can stop Anna Hazare from protesting tomorrow. We will hold fast at Rajghat tomorrow."

"Anna has never provoked anyone. He never had a violent history. Now he says, he wants to assemble peacefully, what is the need of Section 144. If police tries to stop us we will not resist, but just offer ourselves for being arrested," he added.

Alleging that government has arbitrarily imposed Section 144, Kejriwal further said there have been Supreme Court orders stating that the section should not be misused.

Former Supreme Court Judge N. Santosh Hegde commenting on the matter said: "This government is misusing police power and suppressing people''s rights. The actions of the government against Baba Ramdev show they are scared of him."

Meanwhile, Baba Ramdev also extended his full support to Hazare, saying all his supporters will join the Gandhian in his fast scheduled tomorrow.

"The denial of permission shows the government''s intent. My supporters will be part of Anna''s fast scheduled tomorrow," said Ramdev.

According to reports, Delhi Police Commissioner B. K Gupta is meeting Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram over the issue and a decision may be taken of allowing the fast to take place at a different place and not at Jantar Mantar.

Hazare had earlier said that he would defy prohibitory orders if police deny permission for the protest, saying it was the right of public to raise voice against injustice.

Delhi Police had issued prohibitory orders for a week in a bid to pre-empt any protest by Ramdev supporters.

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