Saturday 11 June 2011

Dhoni and wife on Treasure Hunt

Make hay while the sun shines, says an old saying. Indian cricket captain Dhoni is just following that. He wants to make as much money as possible, when he still has star image. His wife Sakshi is fully cooperating with him in this treasure hunt. 

Dhoni took rest from the West Indies tour which commenced immediately after the World Cup and the IPL Tournaments. Everybody thought he would go with wife Sakshi to honeymoon before the commencement of England tour. However, Dhoni chose to make an extra buck during this gap – may be he thought if he had money honey moon could be enjoyed any time. 

He quietly came to Hyderabad, put up in a star hotel and acted in a motor cycle advertisement in the Ramoji Film City along with his wife. It is said he has pocketed Rs. 4 to 5 crores during this short errand.

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